Relationship Skills

What are Relationship Skills?Relationship Skills

The ability to establish and maintain healthy and supportive relationships and to effectively navigate settings with diverse individuals and groups. Relationship skills allow you to communicate effectively, develop positive relationships, demonstrate cultural competency, Practice teamwork and collaborative  problem solving, resolve conflicts constructively, resist negative social pressure, and  show leadership in groups. 

THS Athletes visiting Powers

How will this help our students? 

  • Communicating effectively

  • Developing positive relationships

  • Demonstrating cultural competency

  • Practicing teamwork and collaborative problem solving

  • Resolving conflicts constructively 

  • Resisting negative social pressure 

  • Showing leadership in groups

What Strategies can be used at home to help with Relationship Skills? 


Model problem solving skills and decision making. Encourage your student to express their thoughts and opinions, and listen to to the thoughts and opinions of others in the household.

No Phone, Family Friday

Put your phones away for the evening and spend time together. Play board games, talk to each other, and enjoy uninterrupted time as a household.

Role Playing

Take time to look at a situation from the person’s perspective. Discuss how you feel and how you would react.

Asking : “Why do you think they reacted the way they did?”

“How do you think that made them feel?”


Work together to plan family trips or activities. Allow everyone to provide their input.

Resources to Download

Relationship Skills at Home

Relationship Skills at Home

Relationship Skills at School

Relationship Skills at School

Relationship Skills on the Bus

Relationship Skills on the Bus

How are Beloit Turner students feeling about Relationship skills? 

Students in grades 2-12 take a Life Readiness self-reflection survey 3 times per year. The survey is meant as a reflection for students to think about what is easy and what is difficult for them. This survey does not identify whether or not they can use these skills, but rather how difficult it is for them to use them. 

Most Difficult
     Most Easy

The School District of Beloit Turner has developed these resources, strategies, and data processes from years of learning and researching the best practices around College, Career, and Life Readiness. The following resources were studied as a part of developing the above. 

Redefining Ready! - National College and Career Readiness Indicators
WCSD Social and Emotional Competency Assessment
Social Emotional Learning and the Brain 


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