Dear Turner Parents:

This year ACT testing will take place on Tuesday, February 28, and Wednesday, March 1. Testing will run from 7:45 AM until approximately 1:30 PM on February 28, and from 7:45 AM until 11:45 AM on Wednesday, March 1.

A major change to this year’s testing arrangements is Turner High School students will complete the ACT at Blackhawk Technical College. Juniors will be provided a complimentary breakfast in the cafeteria prior to school on both testing dates. Students will then be transported to and from Blackhawk Technical College via school buses starting at 8:00 AM and returning at the conclusion of testing.

Due to the length of testing on Tuesday, February 28, juniors completing the ACT will be released from school at approximately 1:30 PM or once the buses return from Blackhawk Technical College. Please note all after school bus routes will run at their normally scheduled time. Students choosing to remain at school after 1:30 will report to their normally scheduled classes.

We are asking you as parents to be aware of these dates, February 28 and March 1, as they are very important to our students, school, and district as a whole. Students who are late or absent on Tuesday, February 28, will be required to make-up the ACT Plus Writing test on Tuesday, March 21. Students who are late or absent on Wednesday, March 1, will be required to make-up the ACT WorkKeys on Wednesday, March 22.

We would also like to request your support regarding the cell phone policy during ACT testing. Due to test security and ACT testing regulations, cell phones and backpacks are not allowed in the testing room. All cell phones will be collected by the ACT proctor and then stored in a secure location. Students who are not comfortable giving up their cell phones must leave their cell phones at home, in their vehicles, or in their lockers. Any student in possession of a cell phone may have their test invalidated.

If you give permission for your son/daughter to be transported to and from Blackhawk Technical College on February 28 and March 1, and then released from school at approximately 1:30 PM on February 28, please have your child return the permission slip in the main office. A copy of the permission slip was distributed to your child in English class on Thursday. Otherwise, a copy of the permission slip is attached. If you have any questions regarding ACT testing please contact the high school office at 364-6370.

Please note students not participating in ACT testing will meet in their normally scheduled classes. This means all students are expected to attend school on February 28 and March 1.


Ryan Bertelsen, Principal
F.J. Turner High School

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